

Balbo Fausto

FB31 50 Hz Azione #4, 2017 - sound work - mixed technique, 33x30x30cm


FB31 50 Hz Azione #4, 2017 - sound work - mixed technique, 33x30x30cm, FB45 L'Attesa, 2018 - sound work - mixed technique, 44,5x44,5cm, FB48 Risonanze - Variazioni sulla Risonanza di Schumann, 2018 - sound and magnetic work - mixed technique, 204x42,5x42,5cm,  FB71 Immaginare il vento #3, 2022 -  audio and magnetic work - mixed media, 202x25.5×25.5cm,  FB68 Soundflower, 2022 - intermedia work - mixed media, 145×16×21cm,  FB23 20Hz - 20,05Hz Presenze, 2016 - sonic and magnetic work - mixed media, 105×62×30cm, FB28 50Hz Azione #3 Poliritmico, 2016 - sound work - mixed technique, 50x31cm,

Valmore studio d’arte s.r.l. Vicenza - Venice, Italy / P.IVA 02465670244 CreditsLegal Marks